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Consulting, Product Re-Engineering & Quality Assurance for a healthcare technology company offering automation in payment process to physicians.

By September 18, 2023October 12th, 2023No Comments

The Challenge

The client’s existing platform for contract lifecycle management had a prevalent history of chaos post almost all releases. There were issues reported by the Customer Service team after every release that had to be addressed urgently.

The inherent reason of these issue was multi-fold,

  • Poor SDLC processes
  • Incomplete analysis of features/enhancements or bugs fixed.
  • Poor QA processes and high-level QA test cases

Our Solution

As an Offshore Development Partner, the NewVision team proactively introduced the following strategic changes in SDLC that lead to Zero defects being slipped to the end customer,

  • Introduction of Agile Scrum Processes and Practices for efficient monitoring and controlling of planned user stories
  • Introduction of Feature Testing for testing the features/enhancements/defects
  • Revamping regression test cases from 150 to 825+ test cases
  • Detailed analysis and discussion on the features/enhancement to better understand the Acceptance Criteria of each user story.
  • Strong collaboration among team members to ensure each of the user stories are released with expected quality and timelines.



Increase Sprint Velocity


Increase Test Coverage


Increase in Customer Satisfaction

Zero Major Defects slipped last

12 releases.

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